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About Bugat
About Bugat

About Bugat

“Bugat” resort is a tourist camp located within the Gorkhi-Terelj national park, 80km to the east from the capital Ulaanbaatar, adjoining with Khan Khentii strictly protected area. Upon visiting this resort surrounded by untouched nature combining mountains, cliffs and rivers, one can be offered comfortable environment with eco-friendly dwellings, healthy cuisines and natural beauty, and go on a memorable trip to have proper understanding about traditional Mongolian lifestyle. 
         Our resort is a full-service tourist camp that consists of 10 tsomtsog gers (traditional Mongolian dwelling with a contemporary design) each with quadruple beds, 12 eco-friendly wooden cottages each with capacity to receive 3-5 visitors, a commodious and convenient restaurant featuring modern unique interior with capacity to serve 80-100 visitors at the same time, a conference hall, a VIP room for 16 visitors, sauna, shower, karaoke, table tennis room, sporting playgrounds, spacious sunbathing area, as well as parking lots including garages for wintertime. 


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Leave nothing other than footprints



We simply make our contribution to the development of our own country, with promoting beautiful and picturesque nature, unique culture and rich traditions of Mongolia, bringing unforgettable feeling and happiness of vacations and travels, as well as providing tourism services that prioritize convenience and satisfaction in a respectful and ethical fashion.

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